
Friday, June 24, 2011


dress - Dots  jacket - H & M  sandals - Army & Navy  purse - Winners  pendant and ring - H & M

Happy Friday! This is what I wore Wednesday night to Rihanna’s concert in Edmonton. I wanted to dress up a little bit but at the same time be comfortable so I made sure I wore flats because I can't handle standing for three hours in high heels!  I went to the show with my best friend Kristin who got tickets for my birthday. Isn't she sweet? My birthday is actually in October so this was a reeeeally early gift! 

 Me & Kristin. My camera died right when I left the house (I was so mad!!)  so we took this with her I-Phone.

Rihanna was amazing, she was quite entertaining, to say the least. It was definitely "R" rated, like most female pop stars' acts are and there were a lot of young kids in the audience. I would never bring my (future) children to one of her shows because she is all about SEX and it can be a bit much, really inyourface. Her powerful voice is enough to captivate the audience, she doesn't have to whore it up on stage every second to get our attention. But sex sells I guess. And there was plenty of writhing, crotch-grabbing, S & M action and even an on-stage striptease (lying down) for a lucky guy plucked from the audience. RiRi sure doesn’t leave anything up to the imagination, I'll tell you that! We were in the fourth row on the floor so basically her crotch was right in front of our faces for most of the night. Like this:

 I was waiting for it to formally introduce itself to the audience. I’m sure the guys ahead of us were in their glory. Her hips don't lie! The Real (drunk) Housewives of Edmonton who were sitting right in front of us seemed to enjoy Rhianna's sexy moves, too because at one point two of the ladies (probably in their forties) started making out. And the hammered girl next to Kristin kept yelling out, “Rihanna, you’re such a bitch! You bitch! Ha ha, I’m just kidding, I'm kidding! No I’m not, you’re a bitch! No, Rihanna, you’re not, I’m just kidding! Ha ha. Bitch.” (I think Kristin and I were the only sober ones there.) But even with all the craziness we had a great time. Rihanna (and her goodies) put on a fun show and we were in awe of talent. I’m just sorry I missed her epic fall on stage! I'm still waiting for that video to pop up on youtube. **** Update: Here's the video!

Have a great weekend!

 *rhianna photos via rhianna daily

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  1. Love your little black dress! You look so cute!
    Great pic of Rhianna!!! WOW you gals were up close!
    Love your play by play of the "fun" people around you!
    Great post!!!
    :) J.

  2. wooooo hoooo - AND u look great!

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika~Tiptoe Butterfly~

    Please stop by and enter~Light as a Feather necklace GIVEAWAY~ it’s an almost $50 value!

  3. Whoa, Rihanna! Bahaha, quite a photo! And I seriously died laughing over the "you bitch! Just kidding! No I'm not!" commentary! Hahaha, people are so strange! You looked awesome, this is perfect concert going wear! And I think I have that same h&m jacket!

  4. cute outfit!
    glad it was a good time.

  5. you look great sweetheart! Glad to hear you had a fun time ;-)

  6. "The Real (drunk) Housewives of Edmonton" - I'm busting a gut at this comment considering that I'm hopelessly addicted to all things Housewives related. And I totally love your concert look; that little black jacket is so perfect for this look.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  7. I love your dress, you look so pretty :) So happy you had a great time at the concert :)

    Love Christine ♥

  8. Wow. Looks like a crazy time! Glad you had fun though! I have been realizing that uhm, most her songs are about sex and that's it!

  9. It sounds like the crowd around you was more interesting than the show itself. Like a bad SNL skit. I wonder what The Real Housewives of Edmonton would be like...... as I write this I have just finished watching the latest episode of TRHW of NYC.

    Chic outfit, I love the pop of orange in your necklace!

    x The Pretty Secrets

  10. sounds like you were surrounded by hilarity! so fun! your outfit was PERFECT for rhianna, too.

  11. I agree that the super-sexy-show is really unnecessary. She has enough star appeal and talent that she doesn't have to go there.But she's still really young and probably thinks it's all part of a "good show"....

    Sounds like and fun time!!! It's definitely one show I would have liked to grab tickets for but none of my friends were up for it....

  12. love the dress and the crochet details on it. i like your hair like that. :)

    that is a sweet bday gift from your bff. sounds like you had a great time. i was cracking up laughing so hard reading the part where the girl next to Kristin was yelling out to Rihanna. LMAO.

    How did u miss her falling on stage? I would love to see that. hahahha

    Have a great weekend Marie! :)

  13. You look amazing and I'm so glad you had a great time. She's one act I would love to see!

  14. LOVE your outfit!
    Sadly I am not a Rhianna fan at all..she is just gross, hahah....if she sang normal songs perhaps I would like her :p

  15. Wow I think I'm getting old....this sounds like a very interesting night!

  16. Oh my! "I was waiting for it to formally introduce itself to the audience." hahahah that was funny. There is no need for her to be so over the top. I like her songs, but I could do without her.

    Love the dress you wore and I completely agree. Heels for any long period of time standing is no bueno.

  17. Some nice, you and your little black dress !!! You're so Cutttttttttte !

    For Rihanna, there is debate on the blog space, because, each year she have less and less fashion on her skin. Now it's only underwear, and sexy moves, could we imagine next year !

    String only ?

    I like her music, but as men, I don't like her pespective of permanent sexiness, pornography attitude.

  18. You look gorgeous, love the entire look! I'm so jealous you saw Rihanna!

  19. Awwww.... You have such a great friend! :)

    Rihanna certainly knows how to make a show. ;) You look great and good thinking about wearing the flats! X

    P.S. Don’t forget about my new giveaway!

  20. Oh my gosh your concert neighbors sound as entertaining as Rhianna herself. That's girls got moves, for sure! Love your look - I'm with you on the flats and that necklace is the perfect pop!

  21. holy crotch shot!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    ps: your necklace is gorgeous!

  22. Love you sandals and bag, you look fab! Rihanna has a great voice but way too much sex, I'm so bored of it now! x


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