Would you wear this stick and tassel thingy in your hair out in public? While browsing through one of my favorite online shopping sites Asos, I came across this decorative cat toy hair accessory that had me puzzled. My first reaction was, "Oh my Gawd, who would wear that in 'real life'??" Besides Lady Gaga and beautiful Asian women dressed in traditional Japanese or Chinese garb in which case would be fitting and look gorgeous in their hair. But then I thought, wait a minute, maybe this is a crazy fashion trend I knew nothing about. But even then I don't think I could pull it off. Nor would I want to; it's just not my style. Plus my crazy cat would probably destroy my head trying to play with it. What do you think about it?

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That would totally fly in East London..... but I don't think it's on my to-do list.
I would wear one with my Japanese yukata (kimono) but not everyday :P
reminds me a lot of boy george, and no, i couldn't pull it off :)
I could wander around the East Village or SoHo in NYC with that and not be oddly stared it...but if I tried it in New Haven I would be mocked. I would also mock myself.
xoxo ~ Courtney
My cat would love it hehe i would buy it for him but i would never wear such a thing in my hair.
I most certainly would if I had the hair to support it :) but my love does wear various similar all the time. I find it very pretty!
Go for it :)
i would wear it without the tassel or the shell haha...so all in all, no i wouldn't be able to pull it off..but i can imagine some girls rocking it! :)
I would not wear it....but I think it would look cute on you!
not my thing.
LMAO! That is def a cat toy tassle! hahahaha No mam, I would not in fact wear that!
You are funny Marie!
Nope would not wear it...
Not a huge fan, pun intended.
:) J.
LOL that is ridiculous! But good for a laugh! Sorry ASOS...please stop trying to make stuff like this happen (but i love them anyways!)
This was a fashion trend when I was in like, grade 6....
that's a big ole NEGATIVE - they also have a HUGE bobby pin for the hair - NEVER in my life!
too tacky. it's very cheap looking.
It's definitely unique. Some people could pull it off - with alot of confidence!
Not my style either...haha
hehe, maybe a smaller tasteful one would be an interesting accessory.. though i think I too would just like to see how cats react.
I think it's a little too tacky. I'd wear just the stick. No tassel. Meh. If it were authentic, I'd rock it...but ASOS? Nahhhhh.
BAHAHAHA cat toy...
well I cant say I am a huge fan
i think I would prefer chopsticks lol
I think she looks like a Shriner, minus the hat part...very odd!
Bahah not for me! It reminds me of when I was a kid and wearing chopsticks in your hair was cool.
I'm loving all your comments! lol
If you had a sexy red satin dress for a fun/funky event, with your hair in a bun (which you do regularly), I actually think you could pull this off..?! I myself would fail.
Hmmmm... I don't think so!
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