On Friday night D. and I headed downtown to Shag Hair Studio where renowned and beloved Edmonton clothing designer Stanley Carroll staged a pop up shop of his most recent men and women's pieces including ready-to-wear and one of a kind items.
Ok, so on Friday I told you that I was getting my hair cut and colored because it had become so damaged that it looked like a rat's nest/Cameron Diaz's hair in "Being John Malkovich" and I got the impression from the comments that some of you didn't really believe me. So, I took a before and after pic and now I can say I TOLD YOU SO! I have naturally curly hair (that I hate and straighten almost every day) and sometimes when I wake up it looks like the photo on the left. Scary, hey? I'm surprised D. hasn't screamed and/or fallen out of bed when he's woken up next to this monstrous 'fro. I told my friend Sandra (who couldn't help but gasp at my mop) to cut off all the damage and she ended cutting up about 3 1/2 inches off! It feels so much healthier and looks so much better now. I'm sure you would agree?
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Shag was the perfect venue for the temporary shop with it's modern design and urban vibe. I LOVE the brick walls!
Stanley Carroll makes such original and unique clothing. And they happen to be comfortable as well! I tried on a funky tank top I really wanted to take home with me (not the one in this picture) but unfortunately it was too short for my torso.
Oh look, it's cutie patootie Andrew with one of Carroll's coveted menswear creations : ).
Check out his stylish new ankle moccasins he bought at Zara 5th Avenue on a recent trip to New York!
Both Andrew and I were admiring this dress with it's beautiful lines and draping.
The lovely Kelly, owner and hairstylist of Shag (who happens to be a good friend of mine) and the talented Stanley Carroll. Such a nice man! I'm looking forward to seeing his newest collection at Western Canada Fashion Week in the fall. To learn more about him and his designs you can visit his website.
Ok, so on Friday I told you that I was getting my hair cut and colored because it had become so damaged that it looked like a rat's nest/Cameron Diaz's hair in "Being John Malkovich" and I got the impression from the comments that some of you didn't really believe me. So, I took a before and after pic and now I can say I TOLD YOU SO! I have naturally curly hair (that I hate and straighten almost every day) and sometimes when I wake up it looks like the photo on the left. Scary, hey? I'm surprised D. hasn't screamed and/or fallen out of bed when he's woken up next to this monstrous 'fro. I told my friend Sandra (who couldn't help but gasp at my mop) to cut off all the damage and she ended cutting up about 3 1/2 inches off! It feels so much healthier and looks so much better now. I'm sure you would agree?
I hope you all had a great weekend!

Look amazing!! I got highlights and a trim this weekend too!!
oh wow, my hair is totally like yours if it's not straightened! I have naturally wavy locks, which I also despise! When I went to South East Asia last December, the humidity made my hair go BANANAZ and I had to put it up in a bun every day! >:(
The wrap dress is goooohrgeous! Did you get it? :)
My weekend was great, how was yours? :)
Oh Marie, poor thing. I'm really sorry you have to through straightening every day. I have naturally straight hair and only recently I slowly start to like it (that's probably because I've finally got a grip how to use curler properly for a look which lasts). I have friends with very curly hair and I know how much pain it is to keep it in good shape.
To be honest, you look always so lovely in the pics I thought that you have natural straight hair! I still envy you for a perfect hair bun you make (AND being a blonde)! X
hair looks FAB - i have the same natural curley hair too!!!! haha
i'm hitting up the spa after work and getting my hair done - YAY for relaxation!
*kiss kiss*
Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~
well i personally thing you 'fro is awesome...very topshop ss! I get why it can be a pain though....i think my hair would commit suicide if i straightened it every day lol. gorgeous pics marie :)
think* whoops
omg, i didn't know you had naturally curly hair! It does look super shiny and healthy straight but i'm sure it would look nice curly too if you just add some hair products to it. I love curly hair! It's funny how you always want the opposite of what you have. Regardless, you look beautiful. :)
oh btw, its not always fun to have a big family. :)
Your hair looks lovely, so shiny and healthy! Nothing better than getting a good haircut to make your hair feel gorgeous again.
Love the new hair!! :] xo
Ooh how fun!!! Those pieces all look great :D Love the new hair!! :D
Okay, I seriously would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it! Also, I'm so going to get my hair done there on my next Etown trip - it looks like an amazing place.
xoxo ~ Courtney
Your hair looks great Marie! It looks so healthy and shiny!!! I really like that length on you!!!
I love having that, just having your hair cut feeling!!! The before picture is priceless!
Great post!
:) J.
Marieeeeee!! Girl you are awesome for revealing the frizz. I love it!! Hilarious and fantastic all at the same time. Your finale is wonderful - so glossy and smooth.
Fab post Marie! :)
Your hair looks great in the last pic! The before picture looks a lot like my hair before I straighten it!
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lol. i love your "before" photo and comparison to cameron diaz in Being John Malkovich.
that made me laugh. :)
Ok, a) I'm sad I missed such an awesome event! It looks like you and Andrew had an awesome time!
b) Yay to Andrew's new moccasins! I was wondering if he had found them in NY or not...
c) Your hair looks INCREDIBLE!!! So shiny and healthy!
Miss you!
no way! i could have never guessed you had curly hair! I do to and know exactly what you are talking about girl! the new hair cut is great ;)
Kristy: No unfortunately I didn't : (
What unique designs – too bad the tank top was too short. That dress is gorgeous! And your hair looks so shiny and healthy, amazing! (:
your hair looks great! do you ever let your curls happen? i bet that would look great too now that you've chopped up anything unwanted! ;)
Kerri: Thanks! I'm going to try it but usually I end up looking like a permed poodle no matter what the length is!
Your new hair looks lovely and healthy. I like the neat fringe, too!
the new do' looks fab! so shiny and healthy looking,,,bet you feel wonderful!
Okay, your regular hair is awesome. I mean, I'll admit it: I'd hate to deal with it everyday, but every once in a while, I'd kill to rock that frizz! You do an amazing job of "faking" straight hair though. I never would have known otherwise!
Lovely photos...I especially love how I can see you in the mirror in the one with your male friend. Cute!
I would never guess in a million years from your other photos that you have naturally curly hair! It looks pin straight and so smooth! Mine used to be very curly, but isn't so much anymore... no idea how or why this happened! The new cut looks great! Lookin' fresh!
wow you're naturally curly-head?! I would love to you more in your natural hair state :D I think your new hair is gorgeous tho!! look very glossy and shiny! i have stepped in a hairdresser in months... ive settled with DIY trims instead lol
Pretty much the best name for a hair salon. It's amazing how a little trim can revitalise your whole 'do.
lol I still think you got nice curly hair on the left picture, you got that cortney love look except better looking and not as gross!!
The before picture actually made me laugh, because you were right on the money when you showed the other picture and said your hair looked like that. Absolutely love your new hair! looking gorgeous as always
Your hair looks awesome!
Love the black dress. I would have never guessed your hair is naturally curly... oh, I would kill for curls. The bff is italian and has really curly hair that she has straightened and it works wonderfully for her. Have you tried a Brazillian straightening treatment... might cut back on having to straighten it everyday. Anyways, you look beautiful, as always!! xo
What an amazing transformation ~ you look gorgeous!
Wow you have lots of hair lol! Looks great now! I also have thick wavy hair, its a nightmare! x
love the bun with the bangs! fierce!
This looks awesome I will def be checking them, nice photos! and the hair looks great!
Marie you new hair style looks great!! I love that black drapey dress! perfect.
Art by Karena
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Great post dear, i like it so much!!! It looks so so dainty <3
great pictures !
i really like your blog, makes me dream. i love the fashion and the pics!
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