I'm not sure if you're aware but apparently there's a HUGE Royal Wedding taking place tomorrow across the pond?? ; ) Ha! Unless you've been living under a rock you know that Prince William will be marrying commoner Kate Middleton tomorrow morning in what is guaranteed to be the most lavish wedding of the decade. My question is: will you watch? I would have to get up at 1 a.m. Canadian time (no way in hell that's happening, I need my beauty sleep) to watch the nuptials live so I will be catching a re-run later. I'm most excited to see her dress, that's really all I care about, that and all the crazy-ass hats the guests will be wearing!
Okay, and now on to announcing the winner of my blogaversary giveaway which is the reason most of you clicked on this post ; ). The lucky girl is Pammy from Pammy Blogs Beauty! Congrats! I have contacted you via email for your address. Thank you to all who entered my contest. I'm having another exciting giveaway next week so stay tuned for that!

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Okay, and now on to announcing the winner of my blogaversary giveaway which is the reason most of you clicked on this post ; ). The lucky girl is Pammy from Pammy Blogs Beauty! Congrats! I have contacted you via email for your address. Thank you to all who entered my contest. I'm having another exciting giveaway next week so stay tuned for that!

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Ahhh I clicked over here right away because I thought maybe you were getting married! Now that would be exciting. I have absolutely no care in the world for the royal wedding. I know I'm in the minority, but ugh. It just needs to be over.
Congrats to the winner (but, damn, I wish it was me). As for the royal wedding, meh. I'm interested to see the dress but that's about it.
xoxo ~ Courtney
Everyone I know here in the UK is going a bit wedding crazy! As for me, I'm not too interested. I'm much more focused on getting rid of this damn cold I have :P
Congrats to the winner!
Ashley: Sorry to burst your bubble! But I think it will happen soon ; )
I am far too excited for the wedding...fully waking up at 3am for this!
Alexandra xo
Yep over here in the UK everyone is wedding crazy and I have to say that I am getting a little excited now :) .
I am totally waking up to watch the wedding live, I can't wait! Congrats to Pammy & thanks for such a great giveaway Marie :)
Congrats to the winner! Thanks for the give away Marie!!!!
Not getting up to watch the wedding-will catch it on tv the next day-I am sure it will run over a million times...
:) J.
You chose a very lovely picture of them there! Kate is so beautiful :D We're 8 hrs ahead.. I think we can definitely catch it... but yeah I am excited to see the dress too!
The plan is to record the wedding and get up a couple hours early for work and watch it. The plan might change when my alarm goes off at 4 am :).
Super execited for it though, and I agree, I can't wait to see her dress!
I will watch the wedding too:)
Yah I have friends that are beyond excited. Honestly, I'm sick of hearing about it on E! News every day when I do my cardio. Yes, I want to see her dress and the crazy ass hats as well, but I don't need to hear stories about how much weight she's lost, etc. I'll DVR it, but it will be 3 a.m. my time so there is no way in hell I'll be getting up either! Glad we are on the same page here!
I cannot wait to watch it all. The dress, oh the dress. It will be amazing, I just know it! haha :)SarahD
I'm SO excited, I'm having a Royal Wedding Party tomorrow night with some of my girlfriends. I've got the PVR set, we're going to wear crazy hats/hair pieces and admire the royal wedding fashion. can't wait :)
Yea...I would have to get up at 4am :p
I think you're the first person I know who is not staying up to watch the Royal Wedding.. JK! lol One of the few ;)
I just can't miss it!!! It's going to be 2-3am my time.
True true, what dress she is wearing is a big topic ..! I'm excited too to see what' she's wearing.
I watched the wedding streamed at work, she looked stunning! no day off for me!
Hi Marie!!! Thank you so much! I am so excited to be your winner! I never got your email? I sent you a message through twitter! :) Thanks again! I am going to Cancun this summer and that little wristlet will be perfect!!!
oh congrats to the winner! I didn't watch the wedding, I didn't want to get up at 5am haha, but I did watch the recap and her dress was pretty on her!
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