
Friday, March 11, 2011

Why I Love My Clarisonic Mia

I remember reading about the Clarisonic a couple of years ago in a magazine, I think it was Vogue or Harper's Bazaar and the article said Jennifer Garner uses it and I thought, "If Jennifer Garner uses it then it must work!" For those of you who don't know what the Clarisonic is it's a little device that uses a soft and gentle brush that oscillates to cleanse the skin deeply and it's friggin' AWESOME. It has a patented sonic frequency of 300 movements per second, removing 6X more makeup and 2X more dirt than manual cleansing with your hands. It's basically a car wash for your face! Last Christmas I asked my family and friends for gift cards to Sephora so I could purchase the $200.00 Clarisonic Mia which is a smaller, travel size version of the Clarisonic.

Here's the box it came in:

  It also came with a 1 oz. trial size of their Gentle Hydro Cleanser:

Not pictured is the charger that you can just plug into an outlet and connect to the handle magnetically

I have combination skin. I don't have acne or break out very often. Only once every three/four months or so I'll get a huge-ass pimple out of the blue that needs its own chair at the dinner table, usually on my chin. (See how to get rid of one of those here.) So I don't have problem skin except for my seriously dark under eye circles which the Clarisonic can't really help. But, since I started using the Clarisonic in December I have noticed the following changes:
  • my pores have shrunk 
  • my skin looks more even and feels rejuvenated and refreshed
  • my face feels soft and smooth
  • my skin looks younger
    Using the Clarisonic can also help reduce blemishes, dry or oily areas and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (which I don't have too many of just yet, knock on wood.)

    I am a huge, huge, HUGE fan of my Mia. I should have bought it a long time ago! Every time I use it I can't believe how deeply and thoroughly it cleanses my face, I swear if I rubbed my fingers up and down my cheeks they would squeak! It was definitely worth the $200.00 price tag and it will forever be part of my daily skin care routine. I can't say enough good things about it! To read more about this gem, click here.

    Do you have a Clarisonic? What do you think of it?

    Follow me on Twitter! 


    1. nope, don't have one - but might consider it now!

    2. great post. thx for i want one.

    3. i love my clarisonic! i have the pink original one, from way back when, and love love love it....i want the lavender, lol, but don't think i'll buy a new one just for color :(


    4. Alright now I want one! I better start saving. Your skin is unreal!

    5. i've always wanted one !!

      i love your skin !!

      and you have great cheek bones !! ^__^

    6. Great review and love all the photos. I've heard about the Clairsonic for the longest time and have always thought about purchasing it - your review definitely helps to sway me! Love your blog <3

    7. I tried the Clairsonic for a few months and my skin couldn't handle it... I even got the sensitive version. But it's much better now that I've quit using it... but I'm bummed because it works so well for other people! Like you... your skin is amazing!


    8. I've always wondering if things like these work and your review makes it sound pretty impressive - I may have to invest in one!

      xoxo ~ Courtney

    9. jennifer garner uses it huh, I've seen this in stores but haven't tried it, if it shrinks the pores then I'M SO BUYING IT lol, there are so many products I've tried but none works on the pores

    10. i really want to try this, sounds really amazing. :)

    11. I bet that feels so good when you use that on your face haha.

    12. woa! I had never even heard of it but now I want one! I know they have Sephora in Madrid and guess what?! I am going there next week so I will look for it, although at 200$ it is not that cheap...considering I was going to do major shopping at Zara and Mango and probably pass by the Miu Miu shop as well! SO we'll see but reading all the pro's makes me really want to have this baby!

    13. Have it, love it, can't imagine living without it!!! Great post ;)

    14. Oooh amazing!!! :D I would love one of those, but its sooo expensive, haha

    15. This post is just perfect Marie! I've been eyeing the clarisonic mia for ages and have reading about it in the beauty blogging community so often! I've checked it out at Sephora but the price always put me off. How much makeup could I buy for $200?! BUT your review confirms what I've already heard-that this thing is fracking amazing.
      I am SOLD. I must have one and my b-day is only a few months away. How convenient. Happy birthday present to moi!
      Have a great weekend! It's warming up in Calgary (all the way up to 8 degrees here on Sunday.) Finally!

    16. Great post!! I've been thinking about buying these forever, but never could find a reliable source for a review. Definitely going to try it out now!

    17. I've heard only good things about it but haven't taken the plunge as yet.

    18. wow, cool!! it seems great. haha i love that you said your face would be so clean it would squeak!

      p.s. thanks for the FF love on twitter (:

    19. Ooooh, I'm intrigued! I'm a total sucker for skin care, and if you tell me that this thing will give me smaller pores and smoother skin, I basically just hear a choir of angels singing... *sigh*

      Great post, love!


    20. Wow, I must try it! Where did you bough this one, Sephora? The best would be if someone did it for you while you lie on the bed, don't you think so? haha! :) Kisses!

    21. i LOVE your hair and skin :D cool complexion with platinum blond hair.. so great.

    22. I'm glad you did this post because I was actually always a little skeptical of these things, but if you say it works then I believe it! I could use something like this, I've always had this complicated system of exfoliating and cleansing different days of the week and this seems like it takes care of all of it.

      Alexandra xo

    23. I just might have to get me one of those....lord know my skin needs it!

    24. nope, i don't have one, but now i want one! ;)

      p.s. thanks! and early congratulations on your upcoming 1st year blog anniversary!

      <3, Mimi

    25. cool. Ive been thinking bout getting one for a while, looks like i just might have to now.

    26. I've alwasy wanted one and like others previously said, I thought the price was ridiculous but it might be time to start saving. Thanks for sharing!

    27. I want one really bad!!!!! Must save money....
      Thank you for the recommendation!!!
      :) J.

    28. gosh this is the first time i've heard of it. i don't think my skin is that much trouble so i'll probably wait a few years before i make the plunge, but it sounds amazing!

    29. It sounds amazing. I could use one of these in my life! :)SArahD

    30. i don't have one but i really need one! might get one !
      thanks for sharingg!

    31. wow. I think you've converted me. it seems amazing.

    32. Thank you for reviewing your new Mia. We are happy to hear of your skin improvements. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook :)


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