
Thursday, December 16, 2010

I've Been Tagged

The lovely Cat tagged me to come up with my five current loves and to answer 5 questions so here I go!

My Five Current Loves:

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 #1 Turban Hats and Turban Headbands like the ones Rumi and Lena are wearing.
Anyone know where I can get one in Canada???

#2 Clemence Poesy. French actress and a Fashion Icon. She always looks so effortlessly chic.

 Here she is at the "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" premiere.

#3 Joe Fresh Style. This clothing line, which you can find in Canadian grocery stores, is fun, fashionable and extremely affordable. I bought the dress on the left a week ago for $39.00! It was the last one in my size.
Can't wait to wear it on Christmas Eve : )

#4 My new Sigma Brushes. They're so soft and durable. I'm definitely in love.

#5 Online Christmas Shopping.
Eliminates the need to venture out to the mall in minus 20 degree temperatures, avoiding the sparse parking spots, crazy crowds and screaming children. Is anyone else with me on this?

Five Questions:

1. Favorite Makeup Brand?

MAC. I've been using it for years. I've never been disappointed in the quality of their products.

#2 Favorite Clothing Brand?

#3 Your indispensable make-up product?

Concealer! With my dark eye circles it's a must! Right now I'm using MAC Pro Longwear Concealer.
I bought this after I tried using Benefit's Boi-ing Concealer which for me was a waste of money.
Boi-oing Concealer was difficult to apply, it caked and creased and didn't last very long.
Pro Longwear goes on smoothly, lasts all day and gives great coverage.

#4 What country would you like to visit and why?

Greece! The culture, the delicious food, the breathtakingly beautiful beaches, the warm weather...
I just know I'd enjoy my time there : )

#5 What is the last concert you've been to?

Lady Gaga. AMAZING! You can read about that here.

I tag:

1. Lena from Quality Rivets
2. Jessica from Ciao Bella
3. Janis from Dress Me Dearly
4. Ashley from Two Eyes in the Mirror
5. Tam from Tamera's Take
6. Niko's Mommy from Fabulous! (Pasta Not Included)
7. Courtney Erin from Sartorial Sidelines
and anyone else that wants to partake!

I'm sorry I haven't done any outfit posts lately. I've been sick all week with a nasty cold so the last thing I want to do is venture outside in knee deep snow to freeze my patooties off while taking photos! And I'm not a fan of taking indoor pictures. I'll have one for you guys soon, though!


  1. Yeah Marie! You did it ;) So Lady Gaga's concert!!! I am so jealous, she was actually performing the day before Shakira but it seemed too much to go to 2 concerts in 2 days. So I had to pick one but I would love to see her! And about MAC I am totally with you! And finally go to ASOS for turban's!

  2. Great post!
    I'd love to try that mac concealer!


  3. i'm ALL about the tuban headbands - NEED one pronto!

  4. Thanks for the tag! And thank god for online shopping during the holidays - practically everyone I have to buy Christmas presents for lives in Edmonton or Calgary and being able to order online and have it shipped directly to them is a huge time and money saver, not to mention the gifts actually get there on time. I hope you start to feel better soon!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

    P.S. I'm having a Festivus giveaway - visit my blog to enter

  5. Great post! What a fun game! I am a bit envious of your Christmas Eve dress. Who new they had such fab fashion at the grocery!?


  6. Nice city of greece.
    I love mac too .love the eye shadow and gel eyes liner

  7. Ugh, I hope you feel better soon! Everyone I know is least you don't have stomach flu! That's been going around here. I'd rather have a nasty cold over stomach flu any day!

    1. Those turbans are great. I love Rumi's. I have no idea where to find one, though. I'd say try online!

    2. I think that girl was born with style. Does she ever look bad?

    4. I've heard all good things about those brushes. I'm wondering if maybe I should invest in some for myself.

    5. Yes, yes, yes. I did a lot of my shopping online this always. The mall is CONSTANTLY busy right now and drives me up a wall. Plus, I'm totally a germaphobe and am afraid of picking some nasty disease up, so I'm trying not to go anywhere I don't have to.

    Thanks for tagging me, too! I'll do it soon!

  8. hehe tag posts are so fun to read ! i love the hats in your number one..

    and i would love to visit greece as well.. =D

  9. I would look for one of those turban headbands on etsy. I am sure there will be a lot of them to choose from.

  10. Thanks for the tag missy! Great post... I love learning more about my fave bloggers!
    Good to know that the Boi-ing didn't work for you, I was thinking of picking it up. I'll pass. I did get Benefits 'Erase Paste' a few weeks ago. Everyone and their dog says it's amazing, but I'm a bit meh about it. I'll try it a bit more and see if I change my mind.

    I'm so bummed I didn't get to see Gaga in Edmonton (she of course didn't come here to calgary, boo!)
    And you most definitely HAVE to go to Greece.
    Happy thursday, have a fab weekend!!!!

  11. awesome. haha I tried on some stuff at Joe Fresh, I like some of it but my bf was all "noo we come to grocery store to buy food not clothes!" but I secretly bought some scarfs and mittens from them last weekend :)

  12. wow, you can buy clothing like that in canadian grocery stores...??? the only apparel you can find in grocery stores in california are flip flops and hawaiian shirts. :::barf:::

  13. Did I tell you I got the plaid dress, too?? My sister found it for me in Halifax in the blue & green color - sooo excited to get it when I go down there for Christmas! Can't wait to see yours on you!

  14. Kate: That's great!!! I'm so glad you found it!

  15. If I could carry off a turban, I would be so happy! You have a surprise at our blog btw!

  16. So fun to read this blog entry, love it!!

  17. I love this post, very nice style dear))) Your blog is very interesting!!!

  18. I second all these! I totally want those sigma brushes :)


  19. you are like my twin.
    i agree with everythinggg.<3

    love your blog.
    xoxo lace&&leather. <3

  20. i hated that clemence chick on gossip girl but now that i'm seeing her more and more in ads and commercials and fashion blogs, i think i'm kinda falling for her.

    btw those banana shoes you told me about are hoolarious! i'd totally rock those just 'cause.

  21. That Joe Fresh line sounds great, checking them out as we speak!

  22. Aww Marie, I'm going to do this post today! I'm finally finished with finals and now have the time! I'm so excited that you tagged me! xo

  23. I'm sorry - did you say you got that dress in a Canadian grocery store?? The essentials + fashion in one trip = no fair!
    Hope you feel better soon!

  24. I have to go to Greece, asap!! Clemence Poesy is just so elegant. Have a great weekend, Marie. :)SarahD

  25. Great post. I love your loves as I love them too!
    :) J.

  26. That was such an interesting post. By the way, I just found your blog and spend some time going through past posts -amazing stuff. I like your taste and I am your newest follower.

    I love turban hats and ASOS has some really cute ones. Not sure if they ship to Canada. They ship to the States now.

    P.S. Stop by my blog if you have a chance - I am hosting an amazing EmersonMade Giveaway just in time for the holidays.

  27. Great picks girl!! I agree with every single one! lol. I am especially fond of Joe Fresh as well! It's like a little secret weapon we Canadians have! :)


  28. the new Sigma brushes are AMAZING! xx

  29. I like Clemence too, she is so natural and gorgeous

  30. Thanks for the tag! (Now that I know what that is) Hahaha! A hostess I work with was wearing one of those headbands the other day so I'll ask her where she got it! And I love Joe Fresh too!
    Love you!
    Tamera FMAH

  31. Hi marie!! I just saw ur blog name on a comment u left on another blog and i just had to stop by and say hello!!!!!! (since our blog names are soooo similar) hehe!!! :) oh how i wish i lived near an h&m!!!

  32. You would look gorge in a turban wrap thingy!! Girl I hope you're feeling better soon. I swear the holiday season is out to get me this year so I feel your pain. Is it super cold there? I'll be home on Friday...wah!!



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