
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winter Inspiration

 photos via people, fashiongonerogue, zara lookbook, true north style

It's heeeeere. Winter, that is. In my neck of the woods any way. The cons: icy roads, -30 degree temperatures (already, I kid you not!), having to start my car ten minutes before I want to go anywhere, people driving 30 km an hour which takes you twice as long to get anywhere, not wanting to venture outside because the cold air literally takes your breath away, going to work in the dark and coming home from work in the dark, frozen fingers and toes that feel like they'll fall off at any minute, runny noses. The Pro's: CHRISTMAS, rich hot chocolate overflowing with whipped cream topping, cuddling, staying in bed all day because it's too cozy to get out of, snow ball fights, gingerbread scented candles, holiday baking, reading a good book next to the fireplace and the Fashion of course - chunky knits, cozy cardigans, shearling, sexy thigh high boots, faux fur collars, camel-colored capes, I could go on and on. Oh, and snuggling up to this little stinker:

Prints Whiskerson Sultenfuss The First (but we call her "Kitty")

I'm actually surprised that I'm feeling little bit optimistic about Winter having arrived. I haven't cursed Mother Nature like I usually do when it snows and the mercury dips way too low. (Seriously, you wouldn't believe just how cold it gets where I live.) I have to admit the fresh snow draped over the trees is extremely beautiful and I love coming home after a long day at work and wrapping myself in a warm blanket with a cup of tea and watching a movie with D. Plus Christmas is my favorite time of the year and it's just around the corner. There's something about Winter that is kind of comforting to me.

I hope you're all having a great week! We're halfway to the weekend!!


  1. HI!
    I love winter clothes,they are soo stylish!
    I think it's just because i haven't (I live in a tropical island bla bla sun..bla bla surf..bla bla summer everyday)
    I love Sandra Bullock style.

  2. Loving your post. It is true, winter can have so many downers. I have to wake up at 430am and by 630am Im running like 6-9 miles in the cold. I cant breath, my chest feels tight. I hate it. But then I think of the weekends, and like you, I feel comfort. Cuddling all day with my bf and my little boy. Reading to him by the fireplace. Drinking hot chocolate. And then here comes Christmas. I just cant hate it. I actually love winter:) Thanks for sharing doll...

  3. i absolutely love these pictures :)
    Taylor and Anne look amazing, love their style <3

    xoxo Christine

  4. i love the fact that cold means LAYERS - i love love love to LAYER!

    Happy beinging to the holidays!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  5. I love that your cat has such a complex name - I named mine Lord Conker Bonkers IV ("Conky") and Lady Penelope Fat Pants ("Peepers").

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  6. love taylor swift, gosh she looks so good allll the time!

  7. The pros outway the cons I think. Change of seasons is always an excuse to buy more clothes!
    PS I love taylor swifts scarf!

  8. Awww, cute little sleeping kitty. Whenever I get home from the cold and see my kitties all cozy and sleeping it makes me sooo tired and not want to go anywhere! hehe.
    Ya, it -40 here yesterday as well, SO BAD! But you have a much better attitude towards it than I do hehe.

  9. Aren't you from Edmonton? So you've been in winter mode for months, haha. I've lived up there and it's freeeezing!
    Taylor Swift looks lovely.

  10. xo.-R: Yes, I live in Edmonton/the North Pole. It's ridiculously cold here right now!

  11. Your kitten is cute :)
    I like Taylor's style. It's casual and chic, plus she's gorgeous!
    Unfortunately for me, I live in south Florida, and the temperature is still in the 80s here, so no cold fall/winter for me just yet :(

  12. THANK YOU THANK YOU for this! I'm trying really hard to like winter this year. We're supposed to get like, 10 inches of snow today (our Thanksgiving is tomorrow....perfect, right? No), so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be stuck with this stuff until March or April. Might as well try to be optimistic, huh? I really needed this inspiration.

  13. I can just imagine how cold it gets in the Prairies!!! And your cat is adorable!!!

  14. wow, looooooove it :))))


  15. Sandra Bullock looks so fab! Love her! And yes, I always try to look on the positives of winter (though that is easier when you live in Savannah, not Canada!). XX!

  16. Lovely post! I think it's so easy to just see all the bad points about this time of year (esp when you have to make it to work in the freezing cold when it's still dark out and you'd much rather be snuggled up in bed!)

    Your cat looks like she's definitely happy to make the most of it. And I have to admit that I enjoy nothing more than drinking some scrummy hot chocolate and watching a cheesy Christmas film ♥

  17. Love the fashion winter looks! Totally agree with all your thoughts on winter! x

  18. winter is definitely here. i woke up and went to work this morning in merely a coat. it was FREEZING BALLS though! brrrr!!! i needed to have every single piece of clothing from your inspiration on, it was that cold.

  19. I want that scarf that Taylor Swift is wearing! ah, and yes, people driving sooo slow... well here in GA, they drive so slow in the rain >.<

  20. So want to go shopping now:-) I love layers, jackets, scarves, cute hats, boots, etc. So fun!

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!!

  21. Taylor's outfit is sooo great! I'm terrible at figuring out the layered look. This is good inspiration.

  22. You are right, winter means comfy clothing and there is nothing wrong with that!
    Great post.
    :) J

  23. I miss winter ! Haha I guess if you usually have snow you'd curse mother nature cause' I could see how it causes a lo of problems but seriously, the day it snows in Melbourne (Australia) I will be jumping up & down with joy !!

    I love the rich blue coat that Natalie Portman is wearing. She's always so stylish.

  24. They all look so good, I like Natalie's coat. I can't believe it's -30 already and it still gets colder?! I am looking forward to Christmas, too :-)

  25. I love what Taylor Swift is wearing. Classic & chic, but still up-to-date. :)SArahD

  26. Yea, Thanksgiving is a national holiday, but tomorrow isn't. Most people still get work off though (well...except retail places since they have to open for Black Friday sales ;) )

  27. I love Natalie Portman's coat! Also, your hat in the previous post is too pretty for words, it looks perfect on you.



  28. That blue coat natalie portman is wearing is to diiiie for! So gorgeous, what a great colour!!
    I know our winters are bruuuutal. Pretty much all I'm asking for for christmas is long cardigans and thick sweaters haha

  29. amazing inspiration! i love taylors and annes oufits..the colours are great. i enjoyed reading your pro's..makes winter not seem so bad :)

  30. That's the spirit Marie! See it's not all that bad this winter thing! Besides, for once it was colder here than it was up there so that's good right? Admittedly, even I was grumbling about the cold two days ago. But now a Chinook, yeah!

  31. it's so crazy you're from edmonton! i hardly ever find bloggers from there. i grew up there and live in calgary now :( boo. anyway love your blog :)

  32. I love Taylor Swift's outfit but I can't stand her tight curls! I know it's her signature style, but I just can't stand it!:p

  33. LOVE Taylor & Natalie's coats so much!!

  34. Cuute! I'm kind of crazy about the jacket Anne Hatheway is wearing, I would love to own that jacket.. but I'm on a really sad budget:(


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