
Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Social Network

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jacket - Buffalo (old)     pants - Zara     t-shirt - GAP     shoes -Aldo   necklace - vintage   jewelry - H & M

I'm laughing at these pictures because these were the only two my boyfriend took before my camera battery died so I didn't have a whole lot of selection to choose from. It usually takes us about 10 shots before I think I might be able to use one of them to post ; ) |And if not, I get D. to take some more after I get the "are you kidding me?" look from him. I guess I'm just picky! Aren't we all when we're taking pictures of ourselves and posting them for the world to see online? But I had no choice here and had to settle for these two. Anyways this is what I wore on Saturday when D. and I went to see "The Social Network" about the creators of Facebook. Have you seen it? We both loved it! I hadn't taken in a movie this good in a long time. The actors were fabulous (yes, and Justin Timberlake was impressive, too), the music was fantastic (Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails was responsible for this), the writing was brilliant (thank you Aaron Sorkin, glad he kicked his coke habit) and the direction by David Fincher ("TheCurious Case of Benjamen Button", the upcoming "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo") was Oscar worthy. Seriously, go see this movie. My favorite part was the very first scene, the banter between the young couple was quite entertaining. You'll see what I mean when you go see it.

Well I hope you all had a great weekend! I'm not a fan of Mondays but with a long weekend coming up because of Thanksgiving it doesn't seem so bad.  ; )


  1. ur jacket is totally something. love it so much..


    in Love&Light
    Queen D

  2. Lovely look, love the tweed jacket! I really want to see that film, just for Justin! x

  3. girl your pictures are freaking rad!! i can't believe you only got these before the camera gave out...score!!

    ps-totally want to see that movie

    oh and by the way you have amaze skinny legs.


  4. 2 very lovely shots, I love those shoes and your Jacket. this is such a sharp look. I wished I had legs like yours!

  5. LOVE the outfit!
    and its good to hear Justin was good, I was thinking it would be like when he was in Model Behavior all those years ago (SO BAD)

  6. I will have to go see that movie!! Thanks for sharing.
    I love love your jacket-it looks great on you! You look beautiful in black :)
    :) J.

  7. Love this outfit. The jacket is cool and skinny black trousers I love, I wear them all the time. A friend of mine met one of the creators of Facebook in a sushi restaurant in Tokyo. Usual conversation, what are you doing here and what do you do questions... and the guy was apparently like, "Yeah I set up an online social network, blah blah blah and maybe you know it, it's called Facebook..." and my friend's jaw dropped open!
    ps I loved your story about the parallel parking :-)

  8. Marie, you look so gorgeous!!! Love the whole look but especially your accessories!!

    Have a great Monday!


  9. I think the pictures look great! You are very photogenic. Also, I've been dying to see The Social Network. I'm so glad to hear it was good!

  10. I think these are great! Sometimes being picky is so time consuming :)
    Totally loving this look and the turquoise ring - FAB!
    Was curious about the movie - thanks for the review, sounded really interesting to me but could easily be a bust. Good to know it's not!

  11. I thought the movie was really good too! Love your blazer btw! happy monday (I'm not a monday person either lol)

  12. I'm exactly the same as you!
    I have to take soo many pics before I find a couple decent ones.
    But these ones look great!

  13. my boyfriend is NOT too savy with a camera AT ALL really! .. look fab!

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika @ ~TiptoeButterfly~

    LAST DAY TO ENTER GIVE-AWAY: ~TiptoeButterfly Give-Away~

  14. ahhh i want to see that movie SO bad!!! i have to convince the boy to go see it with me. i've heard nothing but good things.

    loving the outfit btw. your ring just pops against the black.

  15. Totally going to see it! You look gorgeous, love the updo, so chic! XX!

  16. I'm totally wanting to see the social network (cuz I'm a facebook junkie, I can admit it!) I want to see it even more!

  17. This is such a great outfit! Love your jacket, shoes and jewellery! :)SarahD

  18. i love your jacket! great outfit. I laughed when i saw the preview for the social network...such a bizarre thing to do a movie about...but you've made me want to go and see it! :)

  19. Seriously, how do you do that with your hair? I love it! I try and try and mine never looks that cute.

    Happy Monday Dear! xo

  20. DYing to see this movie! Just recently finished the book it was based good! And, don't worry, you look as adorable as always!

  21. You hair and bangs are so chic!!! Great blog!

  22. oooh, i'm glad you loved the movie. i've been thinking of seeing it, but i didn't know if it was worth seeing. so thanks! :D

    <3, Mimi

  23. Great outfit of course! Glad to hear the movie was good. My boyfriend and I haven't been to the movies in a long time...this might be one that we both could enjoy. Thanks for the heads up!

    P.S. I'll write a post about indoor lighting and pictures when I figure it out! I'm so apprehensive to start shooting indoors because I've never "seriously" done it before. I'm totally dreading winter for this reason!

    Hope you had a good Monday!

  24. I think every girl is picky about pictures of herself. I constantly make Andre take 5 or 6 extra ones of me even if theres one or two I find decent. It's normal.

  25. Pretty fabulous for your first two shots!!

    We saw Social Network last week too! It was so good!! The first scene really was great... I have been thinking about the movie ever since. But all the backstabbing and corruption kinda of makes me want to get off facebook!

  26. gorgeous outfit!! and i love your hair <3 your jacket is amazing!!

  27. too cool for words <3 loved the outfit and the hair =)

  28. Love these Zara pants on you! You look great with your hair like that too! :)



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