
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Thanksgiving Weekend

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top - F21     jeans - Sirens    shoes - Spring     cross necklace - vintage    sunnies - Guess    bracelet - H& M      bag - Miche    

I hope you all had a great weekend! My long weekend was nothing short of jam-packed. It started on Friday when D. threw a surprise birthday party for me! I won't go into detail right now, I'll save that for another post (with pictures) but let's just say I was completely shocked and had absolutely no idea he was planning anything. My Birthday isn't for another week so he caught me totally off guard! More details on the whole shindig will be coming soon I promise : ). Saturday we went to my friend Laurie's Birthday dinner at an amazing Indian restaurant and this is what I wore. (It was casual.) The food was excellent, the service was impressive and we all had a great time although most of us were hungover from the night before : { On Sunday my family celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving in town.We were originally supposed to go out to my Aunt's Cottage but plans changed because my Grandmother wasn't feeling well enough to travel. But that's okay, we still enjoyed the beautiful day, stuffed our faces full of comfort food, ate too much dessert and tried on various scary Halloween masks. Yes, even my Grandmother. (We're a wacky bunch.) Here are some of my favorite foods I ate on Sunday:

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Candied Yams Mmmmmmmmm...

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Ginger Cranberry Sauce my cousin made

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My Grandma's fruit-filled pastries

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And of course good old pumpkin pie : )

This is just a sample of what we ate that night. If you're asking "where's the turkey?" I'm a Vegetarian so no turkey for me. And I hate tofu so no tofurkey either! Yes, I'm the worst Vegetarian ever. I topped of the long weekend by finally stopping in to the first Victoria's Secret in Canada which just so happens to be in the city I live in and it is soooo nice. They even have make-up in that store. I'm not sure if that is common for all VS stores or not? Anyways, I picked up a few things that I won't mention because well, they're my underthings but I will tell you I got a free Victoria Bombshell tee with my purchases ; ) So all in all I had a great weekend and I hope you did too.

Have a great week!


  1. mmm looks delicious! I hope you have a great bday nest week :)

  2. can u send over Gram's fruit filled pasty - b/c YUM!!!! -- my Mom and Bestie threw me a surprise b-day this year - my Mom does it for all the big birthday's and occasions - but i always FORGET she does it - so i of course had NO idea - best part about it i guess, right?!

    PS PASS IT ON --> GIVE-AWAY going on – 2 necklaces = 2 winners .. LAST day to ENTER!!!

    ~Join Necklace Give-Away Here~

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  3. Wow all that food looks incredible! pumpkin pie is my fav!!!!
    You look great, I love your high bun!


  4. You look great, I love your bag! The food looks delicious, too. I hope your grandmother is feeling better now / or gets well soon.

  5. Sounds like a fabulous weekend! And how great was it to have a surprise party!!
    Your pumpkin pie looked delish...and I totally hear you on the Tofurkey...somethings just aren't meant to be.
    I'm a little jeals of your VS shopping experience...hopefully we'll get one here soon!??!

  6. I sooo love your shoes! Too bad it's so cold in here I can't even dream about trying to find something similar...

  7. I LOVE that sweatshirt! It looks soooo comfy but chic at the same time ... and the cross is perfect! Oh how I love crosses.

  8. Such a pretty outfit. Loving your shoes. :) That pumpkin pie looks delish. :)sarahD

  9. Oh my.... sooo jealous that you got to eat pumpkin pie! It's one of my favorite things about fall. I love those shoes! Such a perfect outfit for fall and holiday festivities!

  10. How sweet of him to throw you a surprise party!! And this pictures just made me very excited and hungry for American Thanksgiving!! Glad you had such a great weekend

    ... and your mannequin butler story made me laugh out loud! I would have done the same thing... he sounds awful!

  11. you look so gorgeous Mary! It is a casual outfit and great on you!
    And hmmmmm those sweets! I missed the Canadian Thanksgiving but I did made some apple crumble! Amazing!

  12. ahhh, the food! oh how miss thanksgiving with the family. I really wish I could try your grandma's fruit-filled pastries. yum. yum. yum.

  13. I'm so glad you had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend Marie. Happy early Birthday to you!! What a great treat!!

    Your pictures look sooooo good and I definitely had a twinge of the homesickness for sure. Do we get to see pictures of your fam in the halloween masks? Now THERE'S a post!!

    ps-yay for VS!! WEM?

  14. First, LOVE the outfit! And second Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!! :D

  15. You look beautiful & now I want pie! xo

  16. Carrie: Yes! WEM. The first one in Canada : ) I think Toronto's getting the next one.

  17. Gah, I just finished eating more thanksgiving leftovers... sooo much food! but so good! you look adorable in these photos, love this casual outfit!

  18. LOVE the outfit. You have great style!
    If you get a chance, Ive posted a link on my blogs to the Canadian Blog awards where I have been nominated for an ends on the 17th.


  19. i keep seeing all these canadian thanksgiving posts and it's making me HONGRY!!! swear i just gained a few more calories reading this post.

    oh wait...that was all vegas. haha.

  20. Sounds like you had an amazing long weekend and it looks even tastier with all those yummy pictures! Missing my pumpkin pie already...
    Such a sweet man you have! Can't wait to see the pictures from your party! :)


  21. glad to see you had a yummy thanksgiving! :D and you look very casual chic, i love your sunnies! :)

    <3, Mimi

  22. Marie the pics of the yummy food is making me hungary!!! I love your casual look. Those are great sunglasses! You look lovely!
    :) J.

  23. you look gorgeous ,, love the grey sweater =)
    and i just love ur hair <3
    cake looks ,, yummy ,,,
    thats the 4th cake i see in this 30 minutes
    3 blogs with cake posts ,,
    and 4 of my friends changed display pic to my other friend's birthday cake =(
    which am so sad i cant be with them
    instead im in my dorm room ,, supposed to be studying
    hate my life ,, =( lool

    but u look gorgeous and that what matters ,,

  24. HOW do you eat all that and still stay thin and gorgeous???

  25. A surprise party? What fun! And oh my goodness those pastries...YUM!

  26. gorgeous my dear! and of course, happy belated thanks givin'. i am so jealous of that pumpkin pie too btw!

    xx raez

  27. Those jeans look great on you. And the food looks delicious! I love pumpkin pie. I hope your grandmother feels better soon!

    Seems like you had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Glad to hear it! I think most of the VS stores here have a make-up section in them too. I have a few of their lip glosses and they taste/smell delicious.

  28. you look great my dear!I love the shoes.. and those yummy pastries!!! wow!!

  29. Adorable outfit and what yummy food :)

  30. your grandma's pastries look delicious!! do u have the recipe ? ;)

  31. I looovvvee this outfit! Its comfy and feminine! Gonna try to dupe it tomorrow :) Great inspiration!

  32. HI Marie! I just found your blog and love it! Love your style....and love these shoes, where exactly can i find them?

  33. Hi Romey! I got them at Spring Shoes in Canada last spring ; ) Not sure if they would have them anymore....


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