
Monday, September 27, 2010

Streetcars & Starbucks

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jacket - H & M     jeans - Suzy Shier     ankle boots - Suzy Shier      scarf - Payless Shoes      bag - Army &Navy

Wow I just realized what a cheap outfit this is! Not as in hooker-cheap, I mean that I don't think I paid over $30.00 for anything I'm wearing here! This H & M Army jacket is one of my favorites that I got on sale last April. It's great for the Fall and Spring and you can dress it up or down and wear it fitted or loose.

Did you all have a good weekend? I hope so : ) I've talked about my two-year-old  nephew Kayden on this blog a few times and he is OBSESSED with trains so my mom and I thought he would love to ride our city's streetcar over the High Level Bridge yesterday. My Mom and I couldn't believe we had never ridden it before, it really is a little gem that not a lot of locals even know about. If you live in the Edmonton area I suggest you go! A ticket costs only $4.00. Note: my mom isn't in any of the photographs because she didn't want her mug posted on the world wide web ; ).

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There's Kayden and the streetcar which was built in 1947 in Australia.
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Here was one of our views from the train. Remember how in an earlier post I said I don't like Fall because that means Winter is just around the corner and I hate and despise our Canadian winters more than I despise getting a cavity filled? Well with all these beautiful colors I've decided to give Fall another chance ; ). I'll curse Winter once it arrives but for now I am going to enjoy the beautiful scenery and foliage we have this time of year. Yeah, I gave in : )~
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Gorgeous! That's the North Saskatchewan River that runs through Alberta.

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Kayden loved every minute of it.

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See? What a cheeseball.

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We got off the train and grabbed Starbucks. A Pumpkin Spiced Latte for me and a Rice Krispie Square for the munchkin.Then he pooped his pants.

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After Starbucks we headed back over the bridge to go home.

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Conductor Kayden. Next week we're taking him on the LRT/Subway! It'll be better than Disneyland for this kid!

I hope you have a great week! ***If you haven't entered my giveaway you can enter it here!


  1. awee - isn't it THE best to be an Aunt! - i'm all about it!

  2. the pictures are so beautiful, Canada views look so nice
    i like your shoes too

  3. First, love the outfit! Second, LOOOVE the photos and third, awww what a cute little boy! :D

  4. oh la la, the view is breathtaking!I love when the leaves start to change color :) We don't have this amazing view in Toronto! Booo..

    I love to dress myself up in H&M from head to toe as well (half of my closet is filled with H&M pieces!) Who can resist H&M?!?!?! :D

    You should also try pumpkin cream cheese muffin. SO GOOOOOOOD <3

  5. Aww, love this post, Marie!
    I love the first pic with that background, your boots are too cute, did you get them this season?
    Your nephew is so adorable, and WOW those trees are breathtaking!
    Edmonton is such a pretty city, I think it's more visually appealing than Calgary for sure!

  6. Kim: I got the boots last Spring, I'm not sure if they would still have them, they were on sale so I think they were getting rid of them.

    Calgary's beautiful too! And you have an AMAZING zoo!

  7. hehehe, what a cute weekend you had! and the leaves are quickly changing here as well, and I can't believe how fast time is moving!! ah winter!!!


  8. great photos and i love the background in the first one! also enjoyed reading the line "then he pooped his pants"...made me laugh A LOT haha. great outfit..really love your boots and jacket :)

  9. HOLY the scenes are so pretty right now with all the leaves going yellow. and cool outfit, that's awesome that everything is under $30 cuz you cant tell at all!

  10. Simple pleasures when kid are that little. I suppose they become more discriminating in their "likes" as they get older. My eldest went through his train phase....I think most boys do!
    Fall in edmonton is gorgeous, we're just a little behind you here..still a bit green. But the leaves will fall off in the next 7-10 days. Like that fast! Fall is beautiful but way too short here....

  11. Your scarf is so pretty! Love the bright colors and that little Kayden is adorable!

  12. Ohhhh!! Fall in Edmonton is in full force. Love all your pictures soooo much. Thanks for sharing!!

    And your outfit is great...the scarf is so perfect against the jacket!


  13. This is my first time stopping by your blog and I love what you have going on here! Your little man is adoreable and you live in an absolutley beautiful area! Looks like you had a fabulous day out this weekend! :)

  14. Love the jacket! That army green looks great on you! And how could you not be excited for fall after seeing such gorgeous pictures?

    Kayden is adorable, what a fun day! {minus the poop!}

  15. Great outfit and pictures! Loving your jacket. :)SarahD

  16. Great pics! You look lovely!


  17. Sooo jealous you are having fall up there! You look gorgeous, so urban chic! XX!

  18. WOW! That view is breathtaking. We don't have fall colors like that here in Hawaii. :( Everything pretty much stays green. :)

    I'm lovin' your parka. I wish H&M would hurry up and open up a store in Hawaii or at least have an online site (for shopping) available. :) Happy Monday!

    xx Love & Aloha
    ***Swing by to enter my giveaway! :)

  19. kayden is such a cute little boy! i just want to pinch his cute cheeks! :D and those photos are breathtaking, especially the ones with the yellow trees! you look very pretty in that casual comfy outfit, btw. :D

    <3, Mimi

  20. Great pictures! I love little Kaydens smile! The fall leaves are beautiful! I miss E town!
    :) J

  21. Love that first photograph with the graffiti. Goes so well with your jacket

  22. oh my god kayden is the cutest :) I love the conductor photo !
    have a great week!

  23. Following your blog. I love your style and photography!

  24. love these pics ,, soo amazing <3
    u look lovely hun ,,
    and what a precious lil baby <3 soooo adorable =)

  25. He is so cute! And your outfit and those scenic views...gorgeous!

  26. so beautiful pictures!!! and ur nephew on the street car soo cute


  27. oooooh those gorgeous leaves!! breathtaking!! What a little cutie Kayden is :) Looks like a fabulous adventure!

  28. What dazzling colors, both in your outfit and the leaves on the trees! Love that bright scarf with the army coat!

  29. Oh my goodness I cannot believe another Edmonton fashion blog exists. So exciting to see pics taken at places I recognize.

    Also when did you get those booties AND are they comfy, because they are to die for.

    - Patricia

  30. Patricia: I got those booties last Spring, not sure if they would have them still. I'm going to check out your blog right now!

  31. So further to my previous comment, I actually went thrifting with my blogging partner, Bailey, this afternoon and found those EXACT same Suzy Shier boots in my size at the west end Goodwill. It was like fate :). Thanks for checking out our blog, as well.

    - Patricia

  32. Patricia - That's great! And it was totally fate! I love stories like this : )

  33. Alberta looks beauitful and i love your khaki green jacket!! I think i saw this in their fashion magazine...

  34. Gasp, you live in E-town?? I thought I was the only person who was interested in fashion here, lol. I used to have a blog eons ago, but I found it was so hard to take good photos during our long, hard winters. How do you plan to get through it?

  35. Jo: Hi! Yes, I live in E-town! I'm not sure how I'm going to take photos in the winter time, I haven't figured that out yet. I know it will be hard, though!

  36. the fallen foliage canadian panoramas are simply amazin!!!!!!

  37. Oh my god, these pictures are breathtaking. I have no words. :)


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