
Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Friday! I'm not sure if you have a holiday coming up in your country this weekend but in Canada it's Labor Day on Monday which means we get three days off instead of 2. ; ) Last year at this time I was relaxing at a beautiful cottage in one of my favorite places in the world, Nova Scotia (in the picture above) with D. who is there for two weeks right now without me (sad face). This year instead of traveling to the East Coast I will be taking a trip to the basement to sort through this:

Holy Shit, right? It's okay, you can say it - HOLY SHIT- because I say it every time I walk downstairs and try to find a piece of space that might resemble a floor to get to one of the boxes. Yes, this is our basement at the moment and it makes me anxious living in such chaos. Does anyone else get like this? I'm a very clean and organized person but as you know I moved in with my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago. His roommate was still living there at the time so we were waiting for him to move out so we could unpack some boxes we moved downstairs from the upstairs and set up D's 'Man Cave' in the basement. Well his roommate is gone now so guess what? It's time to unpack and since D.'s away I'm the lucky one who gets to sort through all this stuff. I could wait for him to get home but my patience is getting weary. I've organized the upstairs, it's starting to look pretty good but I'm sorry I've saved the worst for last. I'm not looking forward to it but I'll feel so good when it's all done!!

 And although his roommate left us a dirty bathroom with a toilet he has NEVER cleaned (my boyfriend always had to do it) he did leave us these beautiful flowers congratulating us on moving in together. Isn't that sweet??? He's forgiven ; )

K, so before I wish you all a great weekend I will leave you with this picture. My sister-in-law sent this to me last week on my phone of her cat and dog taking a nap together and being the animal-lover that I am I just had to share it with you!

Can I get a round of "Awwww's?"

Have a great weekend!


  1. That is quite the basement! Yup you are right! But I know you will have it sorted in no time ;) I am the same way, if there is too much clutter I feel unbalanced lol
    Beautiful flowers!
    The pic of the puppy and the kitty is VERY CUTE.
    Thanks for sending us off to the long weekend Marie!
    :) J.

  2. WOAH! Lots of boxes XD Don't worry, youll get it clean in no time!!! That dog and cat photo is adorable!! :D

  3. That picture is adorable! I hope you get your basement organized. I'm also the type that tends to freak out in situations where things aren't organized the way I like. Have a happy Labor Day!

  4. oh i have an attic that looks like ur basement that needs a MAJOR cleaning!!!!

  5. Wow, the basement looks a bit like an episode of Hoarders...but dont worry you;ll clean it up in no time!
    Gorgeous flowers...seems like a pretty nice ex-roommate to me!
    Have a great weekend!!!

  6. Nikosmommy: LOL, I totally agree - my basement looks like something from an episode of 'Hoarders' ; )

  7. AWWWW, the dog and the cat.. so flippin' cute!!

  8. Have a wonderful weekend!


  9. Yikes!! Good luck girl!

    And gorgeous flowers, how sweet of the ex-roommate!

    Hope you make time to enjoy the three day weekend!

  10. Aww that's adorable! Congrats on moving in with your man! That's a very exciting step! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
    xo tash


  12. i hope you have a wonderful labor day weekend! :D

    <3, Mimi

  13. Those flowers are so pretty! And the picture your sister sent you.... supper cute!


  14. oh lord good luck with the basement x

  15. Oh my - that looks overwhelming - once you get started shouldn't take too long to sort through though I'm sure.
    And aww so cute that your kitty and dog are snuggling! x

  16. Its for my Harry Potter site, I should be getting invited to the premiere of the 7th movie.

  17. super cute pics awww

    and love the beach pic <3 aah what a gorgeous place

  18. oh my.. i hope you still have a good long weekend from all that cleaning! lol i would go insane but it will feel good afterwards :)

  19. Your basement resembles my attic! haha. :) Those flowers are just gorgeous and the dog & cat together....too cute!! :) Have a great weekend. :)SarahD

  20. Oh, Marie, I am so with you! I'm glad that we're not the only ones, Mr. Deer's office and garage look just like this, and it's awful! I'm with you, I NEED to have everything decorated and organized, NEED to! Good luck! XX!

  21. I LOVE that first shot on the water - wow!

    Happy labor day weekend to you! :)

  22. Awwwwww!
    hey I think we have labour day next weekend, woooo!

  23. Awwww! That is SOOO sweet! Yeah, holy shit and you know what, our place looks like that, too! We're moving next weekend so we are busy packing and it is so stressful and chaotic, I don't ever want to do it again! ughhhhh This also explains my late comment, by the way, and sorry in advance for any more because I won't have much time to blog over the next few weeks (what if I end up with NO internet connection, help!), please understand!

  24. Good luck on that basement! The animals asleep on the porch, that is the cutest thing!!!

  25. hope you managed to clear it all out in the end xxx

  26. GOH! that basement is a HOT MESS!!!

    i get very anxious too when i have a beast like that to conquer.

    good luck. hope you survived it!

  27. the cat and dog nap is SO CUTE! awww is right! hope you had a great labour day weekend dispite the basement. and that's good that the kid isn't yours haha I was like... weird I didh't know she had a kid!

  28. You are DEF. not the only one that gets anxious. My man is a slob and I'm a neat freak so.. we have some issues haha! I'd be extremely overwhelmed going into the basement too, but like you said you didn't have much of a choice. It will all be cleaned up and then you'll be the happy, newly living together couple! The picture of the cat and dog is totally awww worthy! love it! Congrats on the newest step in your relationship : )

  29. Awww that picture is so cute! Congrats on the big move!



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