
Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog Awards and Stupid Human Tricks

Happy Monday! (As happy as a Monday can be.) I hope you all had a great weekend! I was honored to receive a couple of Blog Awards last week. First I want to thank the lovely aspiring make-up artist behind Funny Face Beauty for awarding me the Sunshine Blog Award.

My second thank you goes to the talented photographer Snappy Q for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award.

In order to receive this award I'm supposed to list 7 random facts about me so here goes. I  used images 'cause that's how I roll.
 1. I’m a terrible, terrible cook although I can make a mean-ass salad ; ) When I moved in with D. my best friends presented me with a copy of "The Rookie Cookbook" which I will crack open soon. Maybe. No, just kidding, I do want to learn ; ).

2. I can flip a coin from heads to tails on my stomach using my ab muscles and nothing else. This is just one of many useless and stupid human tricks I can do. ***Please let me know what stupid human tricks you can do in the comment section below, I'd love to hear!***

3. I don’t eat anything that has a face. I just can't do it. (photo via Cafe Bellini)

 4. One of my favorite things to do is to go to the movies with my girlfriends and eat a huge bag of extra-buttery popcorn.

5. When I was four, my brother burnt my face by accident with a marshmallow that was on fire. It left blisters but luckily no scars!

 6. I am a Reality Television junkie and watch waaaaaay too many reality shows: So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With the Stars, Teen Mom, The Real World, Jersey Shore, The Bachelor series…these are my guilty pleasures ; )

7. I am a recovering D.P.A. That's Diet Pepsi Addict. I decided to quit aspartame a couple of weeks ago because of what I think it's doing to my stomach.. It's been soooo hard! I used to drink 3 cans a day. (I know - BRUTAL.) I can't seem to find a low-calorie, refreshing, non-chemically enhanced drink besides water to replace it with. But my tummy is doing better so that's a plus.

I'm supposed to pass on these awards to some of my favorite blogs but I'm going to be B.A.D. and pass it on to ALL of you because really, how can I choose? So I apologize for being "That Girl" who doesn't play by the rules but I hope you understand why. I don't want to leave anyone out.


  1. Please please please make a video of you tossing a coin on your abs. That has to be the coolest trick I've ever heard of.

    Lena xoxo

  2. i enjoy the stupid reality shows too! - i swear jersey shore is a train wreck but i can't help but watch! oye oye oye ..

  3. I'm with you on being a terrible cook! haha. Great facts. :)SarahD

  4. girl you gotta get ZEVIA. It's a soda pop flavoured with Stevia. You can buy it at planet organic and probably online too for cheaper. The black cherry is my fave.
    Aspartame is the devil!! But I definitely understand your pain...

  5. thats sweet that you can do that with a coin!! you must have a killer stomagh :D and lol I love jersey shore, it's such a trainwreck but i can't stop watching it

  6. Love the picture. I am the biggest reality junkie!! I also haven't eaten anything with a face in 16 years (that pig is so cute...who would want to eat him?)
    I finally posted my 300 subscribers giveaway. If you get a chance, check it out.


  7. Lena: I can't actually toss the coin up in the air, I can flip it from heads to tails while it's on my stomach, sorry if I was deceiving!

    City Cinderella: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the suggestion! I'm going to try it!

  8. I too am a DPA as well. Love it a bit too much and it's the only thing I drink other than water. I try to limit myself to no more than one case/month at home.

  9. Very cool blog, I just started following :)

  10. i eat things with faces...but only after i can't see the face. if it looks like where it came from, i just can't do it.

    i want that pig btw.

  11. Congrats on the awards!! Hope you'll share some recipes out of the Rookie Cookbook!

  12. Congrats!! Such fun facts, haha.
    As for dumb tricks...hmm...I don't really know XD I can stand with my toes curled under? XD

  13. I don't cook at all! I would be perfectly happy to live on microwave dinners and canned tuna for the rest of my life, but Ryan LOVES cooking, so I get to eat all of his good meals without putting in any work.
    Awww, that piggy was so cute, makes me reconsider eating anything with a face too!
    I LOVE Jersey Shore, I actually just recently got into it, and it's such a guilty pleasure.
    AND I also drink 3 cans of diet coke a day :*( ... Can't help it. Good for you for giving it up!

  14. Wow, can you really toss a coin on your abs, amazing! I love reality shows too! x

  15. You need to YouTube that coin trick! I'm a horrible cook too, Marie, thank goodness Mr. Deer is happier in the kitchen! Congrats on the awards! XX!

  16. Congrats on your awards Marie! That is great! I love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing fun facts about yourself! Most I knew ;) But I have not heard the marshmallow story before!! U poor thing!!!

    :) J.

  17. congrats on these awards! these facts are so good to know! :)

    <3, Mimi

  18. That quater trick is pretty awesome.
    I don't think I can top that- What flare my nostrils- I can do that.

    I can't stop watching Jersey Shore-We don't have cable because we used to watch too much TV and now my hubs and I watch JS on Hulu- it's pretty much the only TV I watch.

    Nice to meet you- I'm loving your blog.

  19. congrats on your awards. :) and that pig is so cute!! :D

  20. Congrats on your awards! Cute piggy pic, I thought I'd seen it somewhere haha :-) Do you really like pepsi? I much prefer coke. You don't like coke? Hmm interesting...


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