
Monday, August 30, 2010

Lady Gaga Concert

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lace top - Guess
jeggings - Zara
wedges - Walmart
bag - Winners
jewelry - H & M

So last Thursday I told you I won tickets to Lady Gaga's Monster's Ball. I didn't have much time to figure out what I was going to wear, I couldn't make up my mind so I quickly put together this outfit. (When in doubt, wear black, right?) It's nothing fancy and I wish now that I had more time to plan a full-out Gaga outfit but I won the tickets less than 48 hours before the concert. Maybe I can dress up as Gaga for Halloween this year ; ) Anyways, the concert was absolutely amazing! Gaga is an entertainer like no other and you can tell how much she truly loves her fans. I could go on and on about how fabulous the concert was but I know you're itching to see the pictures so without further adieu, here you go!

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Meet Gerard from Saskatoon. I ran into him on the way to the Ladies Room.

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Little Monsters. They danced non-stop throughout the show : )

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More strangers. They were kind enough to let me take their picture.

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Me and my cousin. We had tickets on the floor and were pretty close to the stage. The backdrop in this picture is for the opening act, Semi Precious Weapons. They were....interesting. More on that later...

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The Icon herself

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Sorry these pics are kind of blurry. I couldn't sneak in my big, honkin' DSLR so these were all taken with my old camera.

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Lady Gaga's Bum

Her outfit is made out of latex.

She had so many outrageous outfits!

Despite a) The over-indulgent, pants-less, convulsing annoying male opening act, b) the drunk chick that sat down on the floor right next to us who must have had a burrito mixed with lotsa alcohol and proceeded to throw it all up sitting down on the ground between her legs and c) my feet aching like they've never ached before because I decided to wear wedges instead of flats (why, Marie, why??) which resulted in my cousin carrying me via piggyback on our way home from the train station, this concert kicked ASS! It was AMAZING! It kinda changed my life ; ). If you get the chance, (and you're over 15 years of age), go!


  1. Very jealous. Looks like a lot of fun (other than the burrito girl throwing up beside you...eww!!).
    Loved your outfit, especially the pop of colour in the turquoise ring.
    More posts like this please.

  2. THANK YOU FOR POSTING! Yes, I'm so excited. B, though, is really horribly gross (I don't even know if I've seen worse in my life). I like your outfit, and I like that it's not very Gaga-esque. That way, you don't blend into the crowd!

    ...but I've totally considered being her for Halloween.

  3. My brother drove up to Edmonton to catch the show...apparently it was amazing and he's actually totally straight! lol
    I love GAGA...would have loved to seen the show too!

  4. wow ,, amazing <3 i would die of happiness if saw her live one day ,,, love her =D

    lucky u =D

  5. your pictures are freaking rad and WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!! she's so nuts I bet it was an amazing time!! woo hooooooo!!!


  6. Ah! So freakin cool and I'm totally jealous! Those Gaga fans are almost as outrageous as the lady herself! Glad you had fun! And you looked cute as always!! :)


  7. Where did you get that black bag of yours! I want it in my life!! I have been looking all over for a black bag like that! Do Tell...

    Love the blog!

    -Amy Bird Tweets

  8. Looks like you had an amazing time!
    Great pics!
    I love how, anything went at that concert!! Everyone was accepted.
    You looked lovely Marie!
    I am with ya....Life changing!

  9. Amy: Hi! I got it at a store called 'Winners.' It's Canada's version of'T.J. Maxx' I think, in the states. I got it awhile ago and there's no brand name on the bag : ( Sorry : (

  10. ohhh look at all the little monsters!!! i would've totally busted out my super old gaga costume. how fun.

  11. i like this post!amazing pics*

    xx charmediem*

  12. My sister-in-law and niece went, they loved it (in Tulsa). Amazing pics, love the Gaga drag queens. And yup, that's one thing about going to a concert where the median age is probably 18, they can't hold their liquor! XX!

  13. Looks like you had fun!Love your outfit,especially the lace top.
    Very nice blog <3


  14. Such fantastic pictures!!:) Love your outfit, especially the lace top. :)SarahD

  15. I can't get over all of her outrageous outfits! I really want to go to a concert of hers one day. Jealous that you got to go!! Love the outfit, by the way. xo

  16. Wow awesome pics! You are so pretty! I love lady gaga so much, shes amazing.


  17. You lucky lady! Love all your pics! i still can't believe how much Gaga has taken the world by storm.

  18. She really is such an entertainer! I'm so happy for you that you got to go and you look great in that black lace top!

  19. Oh I am so jealous, how much I would love to see her! Great hair do!

  20. What a blast!!! She was just here in St. Paul, MN last night and I missed out :-( I couldn't get tix. But glad you posted pics of her performance, now I don't feel so bad! :-)

  21. Marie, I'm so glad you were able to go! It is life changing!!!

  22. i need that black bag!!! that concert looks epic.

  23. Omigod, AMAZING costumes! I'm so jealous you got to see this tour!!

  24. Looks crazy! :) Just found your blog. :)

  25. definitely some insane costumes there! glad you had fun:)

    xx raezq

  26. i bet there was just so much to look at and take in at the gaga concert!

  27. OMG utter awesomeness!! I love how the people dressed up!! Woa you were right in front!! Coolness veryy verry cool!

  28. ahhhh amazing! I saw her live last year at a festival but i was too small to see anything must of had an amazing view! oh and ive made the mistake of wearing heels to a concert is TORTURE! haha. you look stunning the lace detail on your top..i have one verrrrry similiar :)

  29. You were sooo close, and I totally get your frustration with not being able to sneak in your SLR, I get so annoyed with that rule. Imagine how fantastic our concert pics would be if we could get photo passes all the time? It gets me ANGRY hahaha

  30. That is INSANE! I adore GaGa!

  31. Lucky! Loved to see everyone dressed as her!!!

  32. Congrats, congrats on winning the tickets! HOW LUCKY ARE YOU!?! I swear we must've been right beside each other. I was definitely on the same side as you... and I caught the Semi-Precious Weapons CD! Hah! Almost had the necklace, too. SPW was... hilarious and outrageous. I loved watching Lady Starlight rock out, too!

    Anyway, Gaga is incredible. I felt like it was some bizarre, druggy dream the day after. WOW. Great photos!



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