
Friday, July 16, 2010

Welcome to the Weekend

 *photo by Laura Torres Gondia via Feaverish Photography

Ahh, it's Friday! Finally! I am most giddy on Fridays mainly because everyone at work is in much better moods than any other day of the work week and there's that weekend "energy" in the air and a skip to one's step. Everyone looks forward to the two days off as I'm sure anyone who works Monday to Friday does. Today is the day that makes me break out into awkward dancing a la Elaine from Seinfeld in my room when Kanye's "Gold Digger" comes on the radio at 6:45 a.m. (It happened this morning.) The fact that I get to sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays is another bonus. Speaking of sleep, a couple of nights ago when I had some girlfriends over for pizza and a viewing of So You Think You Can Dance we were discussing our bedtimes. When I told them I'm in bed by 9:30 to read whichever book I'm reading at the moment and usually fall asleep around 10 they laughed at me! I get up at six and I like to have at least 8 hours of sleep but they maybe get 6-6.5 hours a sleep at night. They couldn't believe I went to bed so early, especially in the summer when it's still light out at 10:30. So it got me thinking: is 8 hours of sleep a night unrealistic in today's busy world where there aren't enough hours in the day to possibly complete all the tasks you set out to accomplish that morning? How many hours of sleep do you get at night?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. i prob get 6 hours of sleep - and it's a LIGHT sleep @ that - i'm so NOT a heavy sleeper .. but seems to be enough for me :o)

    enjoy ur weekend lovey!!
    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. I LOVE the weekend so much.
    On average I get around 6-7 hours of sleep, but would like more!!

  3. Love this pic! That chair is so cool.

    I like to get lots of sleep too, and hubby and I often go to bed around 9:30-10:00. We also get made fun of for this. But I just feel so much better when I sleep more, and it makes getting up at 6-6:30 that much easier!

  4. When I was in college, I got around 6.5 hours of sleep, but now its more like 8. I can definitely survive on 6.5.

    yay for the weekend, have a great one!!:)SarahD

  5. Yes I LOOOVE Fridays! I appreciate the weekends so much more now that I work, haha

  6. I need 8 hours of sleep but I don't always get it! I think it's great that you go to bed so early. Have a great weekend and I'll be thinking of you - I'll be jealous - when my son wakes us up at 7am on a Saturday!

  7. haha! that picture is perfect to celebrate weekends:)

    hope you have a good one!

    xx raez

  8. what an awesome picture! hilarious :)

    visit/follow me !

  9. LOL
    Great pic!!!
    I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. If not, I feel like I am sleep walking!!!
    Nothing is better than sleep!

  10. I get about 7...really think I truly need at least 8, and working on this! Sleep is soo important, thinking you have the right idea!

  11. I love my sleep and lie-ins on the weekend! I normally get up abt 6.30am for work so go to bed about 11 - 11.30pm, I need my sleep, you're not the only one! x

  12. such a fun pic :) I sleep about 8 to 9 hours during my summer vacations now, but during school, well, maybe 6 :D

  13. I go to sleep really late every night...usually about half 1 or 2 in the morning even when i know i have to be up early...i think its because i like to be lazy all afternoon..then when its time to go bed i have a million things to do lol. so i'd say on average about 5 hours! NOT good for the eye bags haha!

  14. As I was reading your post I was singing in my head "Everybody's working for the weekend" haha

  15. Fabulous fabulous blog! Sleep? Oh my gosh, I'm wired crazy like, 4-6 hours sleep a night for me, any more and I'm so GROUCHY! It's bizzare!

    Have an awesome week ahead


  16. Hmm, I'd say I typically get just under eight hours a night if I can fall asleep right away, but since it's summer and I don't have a job, I don't have any commitments. I typically get anywhere from 6-8 the other parts of the year...getting enough sleep is so important, I commend you on getting your 8 hours every night!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  17. I try to get enough sleep as possible... I'm like a bear. I need to hibernate!

  18. Love this post! Keep it up!

    Let's see ... my sleeping schedule is rather erratic. Anywhere from 6 to 10 hours. Haha.


    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  19. Thanks ladies! I LOVED reading all your comments!

  20. It depends ! It's not the same for all of us ! It seems that some people needs 8 hours but others needs less and they can be ok however others (like me) need at least 10 hours !! So I can tell you I'm a big sleeper ;) When I go out with friends, I'm always the first one who goes back home but for me 5 a.m it's enough being out meanwhile my friends are back home at 8 a.m and despite of this, they get up earlier than me and even fresher than me !!!!


I love reading each and every one of your comments. Thank you!

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