
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Choose SPF 100

So I've preached before about how important it is to wear sunblock and I just want to reiterate why.....Because you don't want to look like this, dammit!

Kim Kardashian


A rainbow of different burn colors. I see bright red, a bit of orange, marshmallow-burnt brown and Twilight white.


Artwork burn!

The "Oops I Should Have Worn Pants" Burn

And certainly not THIS

Idiot Burn! (Fool)

images from Kim Kardashion online, and TMZ

Do I have you all running out to the store to pick up some SPF 50? Good! My friend and I were talking the other day about how lucky we are to be educated about the effects of sun damage to our skin and how we're being smart about wearing sunscreen and preventing damage unlike our mothers who, years ago, tanned using baby oil - literally frying themselves in 30 degree weather and causing not only major sun damage but wrinkles a plenty. To avoid burning your skin, being diagnosed with melanoma (aka skin cancer), second-degree burns, peeling, skin lesions, wrinkles and premature aging (just to name a few) I recommend wearing sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 or higher instead of risking looking like a bright deep-fried tomato with gnarly tan lines after being in the sun for a couple of hours.Most of the sun damage you do to your skin cannot be undone! So doesn't it make more sense to protect your skin NOW, especially while you're younger? Your skin will thank you later on.

I want to know: how many of my readers wear sunblock? What type of sunscreen do you use? Here are my picks.


  1. OMG looking those pictures made me want to cringe!!!!! lol, i hate being sunburnt!

    In Fashion and Style

  2. YIKES! I'm in pain just looking at those pics .. burning is soooo bad, esp when it's that bad of a burn!
    Thanks for posting about my giveaway, Marie!! I appreciate it lots =)

  3. yiiiiiikes!
    Those burns are horrible!!!

    I stick to 30spf and 50 for my face. Too scary otherwise!


  4. Just even looking at these pictures is making me sick. Whay can't people use sun-cream??!! I use factor 50 on my face. SarahD:)

  5. OMYGOSH these are ridiculous. kim kardashian looks like she died a little... yikes ! haha yeah my mom always makes me use 70spf neutrogena...

    <33 [v] hobovogue

  6. so funny! I like your blog!!
    please look at mine

  7. Can you say OUCH??? Boy, I hurt just by looking at these! And how in the world would you get a rainbow burn? That's crazy!


  8. Yuck! So gross, what is up with that artwork? Would someone PURPOSELY do that to themselves?? Great post, thanks for the reminder! XO!

  9. so scary! thanks for the warning.

  10. OUCH! (and a little bit of ewww...too!) :)

  11. I'm guilty of getting some weird sunburns this summer. I reminded myself of Neapolitan ice cream. I'm typically not one to do that, though, and hate when I hear someone say they're going to go work on their tan, ESPECIALLY when it's in a tanning booth. I may be pale, but at least I won't be a wrinkly or leathery (or dead) before my time.

  12. oh you don't have to tell me twice...thank GAWD i don't burn like that! instead i get ashy which is still gross...hence the reason why i wear sunblock up the wazoo!

  13. I agree with you!! the people is crazy and even everybody knows it is dangerous the still doing it!!

  14. It hurts just looking at some of those pictures! Ouch!
    Yes I use sunscreen, I really like Ombrelle, it has a really nice face sunscreen.
    Good message to send out to people Marie!!! Thanks!
    :) J

  15. It hurts just looking at some of those pictures! Ouch!
    Yes I use sunscreen, I really like Ombrelle, it has a really nice face sunscreen.
    Good message to send out to people Marie!!! Thanks!
    :) J

  16. OMG! noooooo!
    we don´t want to look like this!!!

  17. EEEK these pictures scream painful! haha

    cute blog!


  18. LOL this is gold, I agree with you 100%! I always wear sunscreen everyday even when it's cloudy.

    xx raez

  19. I am the biggest advocate for sunscreen. I swear I have OCD about re-applying it every 30 minutes.
    Thanks for commenting and following my blog!


  20. Aparrently, it adds like 10 yrs to your life span!

    Lovely blog. Much admiration all the way from India :)

    PS. If you snatched a copy of Scott Schuman's Street Style Awesomeness yet, do enter our SARTORIALIST BOOK GIVEAWAY soon! :)

    Republic Of Chic

  21. Oh My God, these are kinda gross :S Thanks for sharing! I wouldn't want to leave my house without applying some sunscreen first from now on!


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