
Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby Shower

Warning: If you don't like babies or cute things than this post is not for you! (And there's something wrong with you.) Just kidding! But yes, this post is all about CUTE. In my last post I talked about throwing a double-whammy baby shower for two of my friends. Here are some pics from the party : )

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Logan and Taysen, the Guests of Honor (and yes, Baby T. who is "Vogue-ing" is wearing Burberry!)

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Melting chocolate for our Chocolate Fountain

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Yes, it tasted as good as it looks!

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Mommy with a "cake" made out of diapers. I can't take credit for this one - my Mom made it.

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The other Mommy with a sling my friend and I bought her from my cousin's line of Lilly Belle Slings.

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"Put your hands up in the air, put your hands UP in the air!"

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We gave out bottles of baby lotion and rattles filled with candy for the guests to go home with.

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The girls. (Missing: Jess.) We all used to dance together in the same dance group and have known each other for about 20 years or more. We've traveled the world together, dancing in London, Paris, Euro Disney, Las Vegas (to name a few) and we're all still very close with one another and have shared so many memories together, celebrating every big milestone in our lives. We've experienced a lot of "firsts" together: first crush, first boyfriend, first heartbreak, first cigarette puff when we were teenagers, first alcoholic drink (no comment lol), first graduation, first plane ride, first dance injury, first wardrobe malfunction on stage, first (and hopefully only!) marriage, first baby....the list goes on. These ladies know me best and mean so much me. I love them all dearly. And now there are 6 babies among us!

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Of course I had to end with a cheesy picture of us. Goofy pics have been a tradition since we were in elementary school ; )

Oh, and for you fashionistas out there who are interested: I'm wearing a dress from the H & M Garden Collection.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Awww, what a sweet post!! The two lil babes are as cute as can be.
    Love your blue dress too!

  2. They are the cutest little babies! You look lovely in that blue dress! x

  3. SUPER CUTE!!!! Love the first

    Lena xoxo

  4. LOL, the first picture is just way too adorable :) And that fondue fountain looks SO FRIGGIN' YUMMO!!!! Btw, I love your dress. It's the H&M Garden Collection, right? I love how flowy it is. But I didn't get it because it's too sheer for my liking :( Boooo!!

  5. I love the pic of the two little ones! You are a great photographer Marie!
    :) J
    Looked like an amazing shower ;)

  6. Thanks for the comments ladies!

    Kristy: Yes, from H & M. It's VERY sheer so I actually wear a grey miniskirt under my dress, like a slip and that way no one can see my undies ; )

  7. Hi there just came across yourblog. You are from Alberta? Im from Vancouver. Canada whoohoo! Nyways I love your blog and Im hoping you can follow mine as well? Thanks so much

  8. Aww, how adorable are those two babies on the couch! What great pictures.

    Have a good weekend,


  9. Fantastic pictures. The babies are so cute! And that chocolate fountain looks delicious.:)SarahD

  10. Everything about this is adorable and fabulous and/or both!!!!

  11. Omg they are SO gorgeous!!!!


  12. The expression on that one baby's face is priceless! Looks gorgeous, Marie, you should be proud! XO!

  13. I love love love love this post :) All the pictures made me smile :D

  14. how adorable! burberry's baby line is just too cute

    stop by sometime<3

  15. SO adorable. Awww baby fever is kicking in!!


  16. love that shade of blue on you! it looks amazing


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