*photo from heatworld
Happy Friday everyone! I can't wait - in about 10 hours I will be with my (very pregnant) BFF, relaxing in a big comfy chair in a huge movie theatre with gazillions of other females (and perhaps a few gentlemen as well), popcorn on my lap, diet coke in hand, watching Sex & the City 2! And I'll be doing it in style wearing my new Marc Fisher Carnie wedges I scooped up from Winners yesterday. I can't wait to show you them. Have a great weekend!

enjoy it bee ;)
I'm super excited for this too! I have to go see it this weekend. Where abouts in Canada do you live? I'm in Calgary and right now the weather is so bad but perfect for a movie.
este chico siempre ha sido mi preferido!!pasarĂ¡ algo en la 2º parte'?bye bye mr big;p
Wow, not toop far from Calgary! Us Northerners are always out of luck for good weather, hey? haha oh well, used to it now! Have fun at the movie.
I'll be with my bestie in a few hours too! She's flying in and we're seeing the movie together tomorrow!
ive just come back from seeing it Marie! its amazing! a lot better than the 1st one i think....i wont spoil anything for you..but the outfits are to die for, especially mirandas...and i never usually like her style haha. hope you enjoy it! :)
Kristin: Wow, that's so cool your friend is flying in to see the movie with you!!! Sounds like a fun girls weekend : )
Naomi: We will have to discuss the movie once I have seen it. Can't wait!!!
so jealous! i have yet to see it! have fun and happy friday!
I am seeing it on Sat and I cannot wait!!!! It is going to be so good! Cannot wait to see your shoes Marie. Have a great time at the movie!
OH really? I have to watch out for new Sienna Pics :D
Have a lovely Weekend :)
Have fun :D
love your audrey hepburn blog headers and the post below!
Can't wait to see it! Hope it was amazing!
♥ Rachel
enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy and love that photo;)
love the pictures of mary-kate below, she is so pretty!
thankyou for the comment on my blog :)
lovely blog!!
i love the previous post
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