
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Retail Therapy

Hello! I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. The weather was cold and windy last week and it snowed on Thursday. By the time I passed out in my bed that night there was a full-blown snow storm going on outside my window. I wasn't surprised, this is the type of climate I live in and I’m kind of used to it by now but it made me a bit depressed nonetheless. I mean, snow in April?! What’s a girl to do when she’s feeling down? Why, go shopping! I picked up these babies at Aldo last week. After trying on some wedges and a hookeresque-type shoe that made me look like, well, a hooker, I decided on these sling backs.  They weren’t in my budget this month, especially since I’m going on a weekend getaway to Vancouver in a couple of weeks and  trying to save some extra money but I couldn’t resist. I love the heel and how they're kind of like clogs but not really and they are surprisingly comfortable My mood lifted as soon as the sales girl swiped my credit card through her machine. (Is that healthy?) I was flying high on my way home. Even the EXIT sign that flew off of it’s post right in front of my car on the highway while I was going 80 km/hour on the way home couldn’t dampen my mood! (And yes, I was lucky it didn’t hit my car!) Now I just have to wait until the snow melts until I can wear these, hopefully sooner than later ; ) xoxo


  1. Yup, shopping lifts my mood as well :-)

  2. It's dangerous and a hazard to my health! (And bank account)

  3. Love the shoes! Good for all types of outfits.
    Thanks for sharing!


    PS I have the shopping bug too!


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