
Monday, April 5, 2010

Gone Done Did It

I went shopping on the weekend. It was between this and a new lap-top. The camera stole my heart, the laptop will have to wait. I have been wanting more of a "professional" camera for awhile now and have always been interested in photography. Ever since my nephew was born my family and friends call me the paparazzi. I took my first pic of him when he was an hour old and haven't stopped since! And when I get together with friends, whether for a night out or someone's birthday they can always rely on me to take many, many pictures for lasting memories . And now that I have a blog this camera will definitely be put to good use. I have already begun experimenting. New pics coming soon!


  1. I have this camera and you're gonna love it!!

    Lena xoxo

  2. oooooh i am SO incredibly JEALOUS!! ive wanted an slr camera for the longest time! your guna have so much fun, cant wait to see your photos :)


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